Of course, right? Hutchinson signed the bill that totally bans abortions in Arkansas today. The bill, SB6 is a pro-life bill that denies woman in Arkansas constitutional rights to our own bodies. Never has there ever been a vote called on a man’s body, but America consistently puts women’s bodies on the ballots.
Under SB6, physicians who decide they want to provide medical abortions for any reason except to save the mother’s life would face criminal penalties. This includes cases of rape or incest. Hutchinson said that he didn’t agree with that part in particular, but that the rest of the bill holds up to his “sincere and long-held pro-life convictions.” This literally makes my stomach turn. To know that Hutchinson has the power to tell me what I can and can’t do with my body in a medical field that he probably knows little to none about. With that said too, Arkansas should have been worrying about educating these young adults and adults in Arkansas instead of banning abortions.
I have always believed that banning abortions don’t stop them from happening. The only thing that will come from this is the unsafe practice of abortion.
This is no doubt another pro-life bill pushed forward by Barrett.