Year at college:
What do you study at college:
Where you're from:
What interested you in playing sport:
How long have you been playing sport:
How long have you been on the sports team:
What do you enjoy about being on the college's sport team:
Position are you in sport:
How did your season go:
Can you think of any statistics that you would want included in the article:
What is one thing you took away from last season:
What goals do you have for playing sport:
Are you currently practicing for next season/ how often:
What are your plans for after graduation:
What does your support system look like:
What are your hobbies:
What is your favorite thing about sports games and why:
What are some of your concerns if any about playing sports:
Why did you pick college for your education:
What does being a team player mean to you:
What is your favorite thing about your team:
How has covid changed sport for you:
Do you have anything else that you are passionate about and would like to share:
Do you have any college sport pictures that you would like to be included: